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Book Report


Book reports are assigned at the beginning of each month with the exception of December, due to the short month with winter break, February due to a Black History project,and May, so that students may prepare for the E.O.G.s.  Reports are due on the last school day of the month assigned.


Instructions for each book report will be discussed in class when they are assigned.  Your children have all month to complete their book reports.  When I assign a new book report, I will speak to the class to describe their assigned genre of reading and go over the book report template.  I will also provide the template below in case the original gets lost.  I cannot put grades in for late book reports if we are at the end of a quarter, because my window for grading closes.


Book reports should be on chapter books that your child has not yet read.


Janruary Book Report

Due: Friday, 01/31/20


Book Report Schedule:


September - Fiction 

October - Fable

November - Non-Fiction

January - Mystery

February - Biography - Black History Project will take the place of February's book report.

March - Realistic Fiction

April - Science Fiction


If you cannot get to the public library, your child can check a book out from either our school or classroom library.  Please help your child to figure out how much they must read each night in order to finish the book with time left to complete their reports.




March Realistic Fiction

Book Report Template





 Realistic Fiction: A genre consisting of stories that could have actually occurred to people or animals in a believable setting. These stories resemble real life, and fictional characters within these stories react similarly to real people.



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