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Speller’s Choice Menu


Choose one activity to do each night of the week to prepare for your spelling test on Friday.  Please write the name of the activity at the top of the page, and then complete the activity.  Make sure to choose a different activity for each night!!!



  1. Rainbow Words – Write your words in at least three different colors.  You can always use more!! J

  2. Fancy Fingers – Use your fanciest writing to write your words with curly, dotty, or other fancy writing.

  3. Spelling Cheer – Pretend you are a cheerleader and cheer out your words to an adult at home.  You can also just say them out loud if cheering is not your thing.  Write “Spelling Cheer” on your homework page and have an adult sign saying that you “performed” your words.

  4. Computer Fun:  Use your computer to write your spelling words in any font you like.  Be sure to print it out and turn it in with your homework folder or notebook, or have your parents email it to me.

  5. Word Ladder: Create word ladders using at least four spelling words for each ladder.

  6. Word Search:  Create your own word search using graph paper.  Make sure all twenty of your spelling words are included.  Use a highlighter to show where your words are.  Cut out your search and glue it into your spelling notebook, or turn it in with your other homework.  Make sure your name is on it.

  7. Practice Test:  Have an adult quiz you on your spelling words in writing.


******* If you have another written way you think of to practice your spelling words, feel free to do another activity in your spelling notebook and turn it in.********



No spelling or vocabulary this week



Spelling Words

Week of  03/09/20

Due: 03/16/20

















Vocabulary Words

Week of  03/09/20


1.  crown:  (noun)  Def:  a metal head covering worn by someone with power


2.  liberty:  (noun)  Def:  freedom


3.  models:  (plural noun)  Def:  small copies of something


4.  symbol:  (noun)  Def:  an object, animal, diagram, or icon that stands for or represents something else


5.  tablet:  (noun)  Def:  a small, flat surface with something written on it


6.  torch:  (noun)  Def:  a long stick with material at one end that burns


7.  unforgettable:  (adjective)  Def:  so good that you cannot forget it


8.  unveiled:  (verb)  Def:  removed a veil from; revealed

























































































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